making community
date. ongoing
city. contained and infinite
A part of my role as a leader is about creating and engaging the community. When I took over as Headteacher at Blackawton Primary School the school had been without a permanent Headteacher for a year. They advertised three times. So a part of my role was not only to create an outstanding and creative provision but also to ensure that things continued to thrive after I left. With this in mind, myself and another Headteacher formed a Federation of Schools. One of the things I was extremely proud of was when, a while after leaving, our Chair of Governors commented that "Dave’s greatest strength lies in his ability to empower others to become leaders in their own right and to achieve their best – both adults and children alike." This was a validation for me in thinking and investing long term.
At the School of Creative Arts, we were open from 6 am until 10 pm seven days a week. We were where Plymouth Raiders trained, we were a comedy venue, a restaurant, a church, a radio station and a performing arts academy. At REAL School we formed a Saturday School for displaced families providing access to food, shelter, play opportunities and even places in our school.
It does take a village to raise a child and nothing brings people together like the process of making something together with a purpose. The community itself can be an inspiration, a resource, and an authentic audience. The process of making with a community can not only develop individual understanding but be a catalyst for culture and possibility.